Fun Facts About Cat Reproduction
Cat reproduction is a fascinating realm of biology that unveils a myriad of intriguing and sometimes surprising facts. These enigmatic felines, known for their graceful agility and captivating personalities, have reproductive behaviors that offer a unique glimpse into the intricacies of nature.
From their intricate mating rituals to the astonishingly high prolificacy of some breeds, delving into the world of cat reproduction unravels a tapestry of astonishing facts that both enlighten and amuse. Exploring these fun facts not only deepens our understanding of these beloved companions but also underscores the wonders of life's diversity on our planet.
Cats are induced ovulators. The male (tom) cat has spines on his penis which stimulates the vagina during mating to result in ovulation. 50% of cats will ovulate from one mating, so multiple are required!
The spines on the tom cat’s penis are testosterone dependant, this means that when male cats are desexed their penis will lose the spines
Pregnancy in the cat is not as well defined as the dog. Normal gestation in the queen is 57-75 days even if breeding’s were seen on known dates over a known period of time
Parturition in the dog is caused by a drop in progesterone at the end of pregnancy, in contrast in the queen they can have their kittens when progesterone is still high
Queens cycle in response to daylight length, they are what are known as long day breeders, as increasing daylight length after the winter solstice stimulates queens to begin to cycle. After the summer solstice the queens will slowly stop cycling
Queens exposed to artificial light bright enough for us to read a newspaper for 16 or more hours a day may cycle irrespective of the time of year
Queens like a dark, quiet place to have their kittens, so if everyone gets excited when mum starts queening and turns on all the lights to watch, the queen can stop queening for extended periods of time